Click here to return to our home page.Frequently Asked Questions
by Black Bear Paging Service


Listed below are 10 of some of the most frequently asked questions to our Customer Service Department.
If we have not answered you question, please call us at 1-800-377-6216 or you may email us.

Table of Contents

  1. How do our pagers work?
  2. How do I pay for my pager service?
  3. What if I have a question about my monthly/quarterly service bill?
  4. Where may I make my monthly payment?
  5. What if my pager is damaged, lost, or stolen?. What are my options?
  6. Why does the 1-800-WVA-BEAR telephone number not work from a payphone?
  7. Whom do I call if my pager is not working or receiving its pages?
  8. What if I need to receive pages in an area that is not my normal coverage area?
  9. What happens if my account is past due?
  10. I need to deactivate (or reactivate) my pager. What do I need to do?

1. How do our pagers work?

Our pagers operate on a 1-800 pin number system. This allows for easy access to you and your pager. This service is free of charge to all our customers. All you need to do is: (1) dial 1-800-WVA-BEAR, (2) follow the operator's instructions to enter the appropriate PIN # and the accompanying numeric message.

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2. How do I pay for my pager service ?

Black Bear Paging operates on a prepaid or electronic funds transfer (EFT) basis. This means that you can either prepay for your service for a minimum of three months or have the monthly service fee automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card. It is quite simple, just indicate your preference when completing your service contract.

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3. What if I have a question about my monthly /quarterly service bill?

Simply call our main office (1-800-377-6216) and ask for assistance from our accounting staff. They can be reached  at extension 26. We will attempt to answer all your questions at the time of your call. Please note that some questions will have to be researched. If you have questions concerning your payments or invoices, please have those copies at hand before your call our staff (as we will ask you to reference them). Our staff may also ask you to send in copies of any that may be in question.

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4. Where may I make my monthly payment?

Payments are processed at our corporate office in Millwood, WV. Credit card payments may be made via telephone to our main office. You may also prepay any amount you wish on your account.

NOTE: Do not take your monthly payment to any of our agent locations, as they are not authorized to accept normal monthly payments for any reason.

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5. What if my pager is damaged, lost, or stolen. What are my options?


Call our main office (1-800-377-6216) to have your pager deactivated. This insures that we are aware that your pager is lost/stolen and will enable us to contact you if someone reports your pager as being found. Then, you will be assisted in receiving a replacement pager either from one of our agent locations or from our main office.

Secondly, you do not need to be without your pager. We can offer you a replacement pager that can be put on your account without any accompanying activation fees or monthly service rates.

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6. Why does the 1-800-WVA-BEAR telephone number not work from a payphone?

Not all payphones are owned and operated by the same company. Each and every payphone company has the option to block any or all 1-800 telephone numbers. Most have opted to block 1-800 paging numbers from their payphones. This is because they do not receive any form of revenue for the use of their equipment. Our office can do nothing about the decisions made by these companies. However, to keep our customers in touch with their pagers, we do offer another telephone number which will work from any payphone (1-304-273-9432). This is not a toll free call and all charges are subject to the individual payphone rates at each location.

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7. Who do I call if my pager is not working or receiving its pages?

Please call our friendly staff at our customer service number listed on the back of your pager and on your invoice (1-800-377-6216). We will try to return service to your pager as quickly as possible, or help you discern if your pager is in need of repair. We welcome all reports of down airtime. This helps us to determine if we have a paging base in need of repair.

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8. What if I need to receive pages in an area that is not my normal coverage area?
(I am going to be outside of my Local Coverage Area, but inside of the Extended Coverage Area.)

Please notify our main office prior to the time you will need your rate changed. We can change your rate code for one or more months. This will allow you to receive your pages while you are on vacation, on a business trip, or just visiting relatives. Please be aware that you must pay for the Extended rate for the entire month. We do not do partial or weekly billing. It is also the customer's responsibility to notify our office to have your rate code returned to its normal monthly billing.
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9. What happens if my account is past due?

Your account will be deacitvated for nonpayment once your account reaches 60 days. You will recieve a deactivation notice/statement approximately 2 weeks prior to your pager(s) deactivation. Black Bear Paging is not responsible for lost statements/invoices, as we are not responsible for US Mail Service. All customer invoices state that the invoices are Net 15, or due 15 days after the date they are printed. After 90 days, your account is sent to our credit reporting agency and appears on your credit report. Service with Black Bear does not have to be reinstated for the balance removal to occur. However, should you reactivate, you must first pay your remaining unpaid balance in full, a reactivation fee, and your first month of service. Once your account has been sent to our credit reporting agency, you will be asked to prepay for all your service or you may not be allowed to reactivate at all.

Your account will be billed on the 15th of each month. Whether you are being billed monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or yearly, this must be paid within 15 days of the date of the invoice. If payment has not been recieved in the main office by the due date, service will be deactivated on the last business day of the month. This is because the prepay cycly is billing you for the next month, the next three months, the next six months, or the next 12 months starting with the following month after the date of the invoice.

For Example:
Your invoice was printed on February 15, 2002. If this is not paid by February 28, 2002, your service is deacitvated on that date. This invoice is for service received during the month of March, if you are being billed monthly.

Note your invoice is left on your account for 30 days. After this time, the balance is credited off your account, as you have not used this service. We allow 30 days for the customer that might have had a delay in their payment or may not realize that their pager has been deactivated. Should you decide to reactivate after 30 days, you may be asked to sign another service agreement, you will need to pay a reactivation fee, and prepay for your first 1 to 3 months of service.
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10. I need to deactivate (or reactivate) my pager. What do I need to do?

DEACTIVATION: All deactivation requests must be sent to our office in writing, signed and dated by the owner of the account. You may mail this directly to us along with your normal monthly payment. Another option is to fax in your request to 1-304-273-2793. Please note that if you request your pager's service to be deactivated in the middle of the month, you are responsible for the entire month's service.

If you have a monthly post paid account, we bill a month behind. Therefore, if you deactivate in November, your last month's service will be dated December. This allows us to correctly bill you for only the service that you have used.

If you pay your account on a prepay basis, we will deactivate service and you will recieve a refund for the remaining full months on your account. Partial months will not be refunded.

ACTIVATION: Once you have deactivated your account, a reactivation fee of either $10.00 or $20.00 will be charged. After your pager has been deactivated for more than 10 days, the fee is always $20.00. You will also have to prepay for your first month's service and you may be asked to fill out another customer service contract. Please note that if your pager has been off for more than six month's, your PIN number may have been reassigned to another customer. You will then have to send in your pager to be reprogrammed to another PIN number. Reprogramming costs an additional $10.00 per pager. All reactivated accounts are put on the prepay cycle!

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If you have any other questions,
please feel free to call our
1-800-377-6216 or you may email us.

From the Black Bear Agent Manual. All rights reserved.
Revised: Jan. 31, 2002.